Big Bird Design.
Cormorant. This is the design the members of the Peyote Cult take of
greatest import- ance and authority in their ritual. It is used in many
different ways and designs as the messenger bird who flies in the
interior of the tepee, to whom prayers may be trusted, and it is the
only one who can carry the message to the heart of the unknown mysteries.
He also repre- sents the Sun in other designs, as well as the great water
bird. The idea is also that most of us have the desire of creative
expression. The outstretched wings mean this - the flight into the unknown.
The outstretched neck is important. The bird is reaching and swaying.
On the shoulders are the symbols of the peyote plant. The herb
contracted with cotton substance in the center. Spiral moving arrangements
of cotton fibers in the design. When green the picked herb is sometimes
four or five inches across. It is then treated to dry and shrink it.
The idea of this is known as Father Peyote. It can be taken in water
as well as eaten. The cotton substance is sometimes cleaned out. Blue
feathers stand for the sky bird, who has authority in early morning,
when the morning song is sung. The bird is a symbol. The struc- 3 |